
Mike Smith / Gretchen Thomas
706-688-9528 (voicemail only) /
603C Aderhold Hall
office hours by appointment

EDIT 4000 focuses on acquiring advanced skills in the use of SMART Technology tools. Class projects will consist of creating K12 learning activities that incorporate some or all of the tools.
To teach preservice teachers to use and manage SMART technologies in educational settings and to communicate means for using these technologies in educational settings.
At the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Utilize the SMART Exchange website to identify exemplary lesson plans
  • Create learning activities and products with the following hardware and software that will enhance K12 instruction:
    • SMART Board
    • SMART Table
    • SMART Response Systems
    • SMART Notebook Software

Participants must comply with all lab procedures and policies as established by the University of Georgia.

Throughout the semester we will discuss your progress in the course. This may be achieved through email, office appointments, and during class times. You are welcome to turn in assignments ahead of time for formative feedback. Please note that late work is not accepted. You will be given a “late pass” that may be used once during the semester.

You will be given sufficient class time to get started on assignments and ask questions. Just as other classes require you to complete research in the library or listen to language tapes, you may find it necessary to complete your work in a campus computer lab before or after class, or on weekends. Assignments are due at the beginning of class unless otherwise indicated.

Resubmitting work: If you turn in an assignment on time and receive a “U”, you may resubmit the assignment by the next class meeting after the assignment is returned to you.

Participation and attendance are worth 10% of your overall grade. However, 100% of your grade is affected when you do not attend class nor participate — as it will be difficult, if not impossible, to catch up on missed work. To miss scheduled demonstrations or discussions seriously compromises your learning.

You are permitted to miss one class without penalty. If you miss two classes, you are putting yourself in jeopardy and may be assigned a “U” for the course. Missing more than three classes may result in a WF for the semester. I do not wish to be in the position of judging whether an absence should be excused or not. If you miss class, for any reason, you will be marked absent and it will count against your participation and attendance grade.

Attendance will be taken during the first 10 minutes of class via a sign-in sheet. You will be counted absent if you sign in for another student. You will be counted absent if you leave class early (unless the entire class is dismissed). The course instructor reserves the right to assign a penalty to the participation and attendance grade for excessive tardiness.

All academic work must meet the standards contained in “A Culture of Honesty.” Each student is responsible to inform themselves about those standards before performing any academic work. The full version of “A Culture of Honesty: Politics and Procedures” detailing UGA’s policies on this matter can be found at:

If you have a disability and would like to request accomodations, please feel free to discuss this with me. All individuals receiving accommodations in the classroom must be registered with Disability Services. Please visit their website at for further information.

The course syllabus is a general plan for the course;
deviations announced to the class by the instructor may be necessary.